PCOS in Teens Girls
PCOS is Human Made Disease
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is more and more being diagnosed in teen age girls. There are lot of unanswered questions. We need specific discussion with the patient and then to design a holistic approach.
Daughters along with their Mothers should visit Doctor to understand this disease, its role in hormonal imbalance, irregularity of cycles, hirsutism, acne, and persistent weight gain.
Let us work together to find balance
Gynecologial Treatment
Menstrual Irregularities
Viginal Discharge
Uterine Fibroids with Surgical Treatment
Ovarian Cysts tumors without Surgical treatment.
Polycystic Ovarian Cysts
Hirsutism dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
Heavy Menstrual Cycle and painful Periods
Pelvic Inflammatory
DNC (Dilation & Curettage)
Cervical polyps
Infertility Treatment
Stress Evaluation
Evaluation of the past treatments
Tubal Evaluation
Discussion of Male & Female Infertility factors
Complete blood work of both parties
Obesity Clinic
Discussion - Evaluation
Lifestyle, Stress Levels, Hormonal imbalance, Metabolic Status and existing conditions leading to excess weight gain.
Social Anxiety due to weight gain, or weight gain due to social anxiety.
Exploring all endocrinological / hormonal disorders which adds up to resistant weight gain.
Designing a tailor made personalized solution for every woman individually and according to her budget, life style, orientation, family.
Ovarian Cyst Treatment without Surgery
Ovarian Cyst treatment without
adnexal masses or tumors are treated without surgery
From my experience, Ovarian Cyst have high rate of quick recurrence after surgery.
Holistic approach to cure diseases
Full review of patients symptoms
A team approach to cure diseases
I believe in curing aliments without surgery is possible.
Transvaginal Ultrasound
In chamber availability of TransvaginalUltrasound helps doctors and patients make the correct diagnosis.
Transvaginal Ultrasound is specifically required in an evaluation of ovarian fluids.
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